On Playing Games

Person playing a video game

For a game developer, playing a game isn’t just playing a game.

There are a couple ways to play a game: for the fun of it, and for the learning of it.

Every game player has played a game they have enjoyed. But it takes a different mindset to play a game to learn something from it — it takes being aware not only of what’s going on in the game, but also what’s going on with you.

What’s going on in the game?

  • How is the game presenting new mechanics? Do you have time to learn them? Can you use them with mastery?

  • If the game has narrative, how is that narrative presented?

  • How are the artists using color and light to emphasize gameplay? How about sound and music?

What’s going on with you?

  • How does playing this game or level make you feel? Happy? Frustrated? Curious?

  • How is the leveling working? Is the game too easy? Too hard?

  • Are you interested in the narrative, or just skipping over it?

  • How would you change the game to make it better?

Playing games, unlike watching TV or a movie, requires active participation. Learning from games requires an extra level of active participation! But the more you can analyze the games you play, the better a developer you’ll become.


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