Summer Camps

Starting in 2024 we’ll be offering 5-day summer camps in game design and development.

Wait, it’s summer — and you’re going to be inside on computers? No! Well, sometimes, yes. But I believe deeply in a holistic view of game design. So we’ll be getting fresh air designing and playing games outside, then bringing our learning into the computer lab.

Each camp will involve:

  • Playing games with a critical eye for game design understanding

  • Ideation and creative thinking

  • Teamwork and constructive peer feedback

  • Daily outside time designing and developing games

  • Using game engines to create individual games

Please contact us if you’re interested!

12-14 years

Focusing on finding the fun, students will develop their own computer game

14-18 years

With a step up in technical challenge, the games made by students will be that much better!

Let’s do this.